02 May, 2006

Greystones arts festival 06

The festival mardi gras is coming up again and this year my entry is entitled 'Mythology Anthology'. It consists of 5 sections, the Lothian Dragon, Poenix, Fairy, Night Whisps and the Sea Monster. Each section has one large piece and to join it, 5 Kids in costume from the workshops. This is a picture of the design sketch.

Pride 2006

The date for Pride this year is June 24th. I'm working with The Dragon again so Puff the magic drag queen needs to be repaired along with the construction of four new pieces and a pile of masks. The pieces consist of a hula hoop, three bamboo spurs, alot of cardboard and feathers. I'll be working in the builders room this year cause I just have no room in my room anymore. I can't see my floor. It will be hectic as I have exams on at the moment aswell. The picture is a rather blurry design of the large costumes and the other a semi finished mask prototype.

Greystones St Patrick's Day 2006

Snake wrap costumes made from foam, Poly cotton, Polyester dress lining, Gold spray and Velcro. The hats were made from Funky Foam and card.